MIT Libraries Celebrates Preservation Week
Event box
Join us for a fun and informative afternoon in celebration of Preservation Week. To assist with our planning, registration is requested but not required.
- S is for Special: Adventures with the Ship of Theseus, 2-3pm
Conceived by J.J. Abrams and written by Doug Dorst, the novel S. is composed of several interlocking stories, including a novel, The Ship of Theseus by V.M. Straka, filled with loose postcards, letters, and other ephemera. MIT Libraries staff imagine how such a text would hold up over time and how the experience of future readers might be affected. - The Day the Music Didn’t Die: Saving MIT’s Analog Music Sound Recordings, 3-3:30pm
This talk will examine the work of digitizing approximately 2,000 uncataloged analog sound recordings, while providing advice to other libraries with similar sound recording backlogs. - An NDSR-Boston Resident @ MIT Libraries, 3:30-3:50
Alexandra Curran discusses her experiences, including her professional development opportunities in digital preservation.
- Date:
- Monday, April 25, 2016
- Time:
- 2:00pm - 4:30pm
- Location:
- 14W-111 (Killian Hall)
Registration has closed.