R Introduction: Interactive learning & Q&A session
Event box
This workshop will teach you how to use R to import and manipulate data, install and manage packages, conduct basic statistical analyses, and create common graphical displays. Note that the focus of the workshop is on how to use R rather than why you might want to use R over other software. This workshop is appropriate for those with little or no prior experience with R.
MIT Touchstone authentication is required to register.
Registration: please note, registration for this class will close on 01/10/2021.
Format: This class will be delivered in an online "flipped classroom" format with two distinct stages:
- Stage 1 - Interactive learning of workshop materials (2 weeks duration starting 01/11/2021, ending 01/24/2021).
- During this two week time window, you will work through the online materials at your own pace, using a free online software platform (https://perusall.com/) to foster an interactive and collaborative learning environment.
- With this software, you may ask questions and make comments about any part of the materials that you find unclear. Other participants, as well as instructors, can help answer these questions and reply to comments. In addition, you may provide answers to questions from other participants to help deepen your understanding of the material.
- Instructions for how to access materials via Perusall will be emailed to you on 01/11/2021.
- If you wish to familiarize yourself with the materials in advance, they can be found here:
- Set-up: http://bit.ly/dss_rinstall
- R Introduction: http://bit.ly/dss_rintro
Stage 2 - Zoom question and answer session (1 hour duration on 01/25/2021 at 11am EST).
- At the conclusion of the two weeks of interactive learning, we will gather for an optional 1 hour Zoom session.
- This will be a question and answer session, providing an opportunity for you to ask questions directly to an instructor and clear up any lingering confusion about the materials. Instructors will not present any material during the session, but may use code examples to answer questions.
- Zoom meeting instructions will be emailed to you on 01/11/2021.
Attendance: we will evaluate attendance for this class based on your active participation in interactive learning during stage 1. Attending the Zoom session in stage 2 is optional but encouraged.
If you have any questions about the workshop format or materials, please contact: help@iq.harvard.edu
This workshop will be delivered by the Harvard Business School Research Computing Services group in partnership with the Harvard Data Science Services group at IQSS.
- Date:
- Monday, January 25, 2021
- Time:
- 11:00am - 12:00pm
- Categories:
- Classes & workshops