Event box

2023 has been named the Year of Open Science by NASA and nearly a dozen other US federal funding agencies. One of the goals of the year is to “account for open science activities in evaluations and incentives.”

This is the latest declaration around rewards and open science and scholarship: In the last few years, the National Academies, UNESCO, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, MIT, and many others have called for changes to research assessment practices, such as promotion & tenure evaluations and funder decisions, so that they better recognize open science practices.

How should we incentivize open science? In this drop-in session in the Nexus (14S-130), MIT Libraries invites all interested to discuss open science, what incentives and rewards in scientific research and academia mean to them, and what they’d like to see change. Featuring remarks from MIT Libraries Director Chris Bourg, who works with other campus leaders on the Higher Education Leadership Initiative for Open Scholarship (HELIOS), developing ways to align research and higher ed practices with open scholarship values.

We encourage you to register for this event so we know how many people will be coming. However, since this event is a drop-in session, feel free to stop by and leave whenever you would like. Snacks will be provided.

Have questions about this event? Email: apaz@mit.edu & khdunn@mit.edu

Wednesday, April 26, 2023
4:00pm - 6:00pm
14S-130 (The Nexus)
Open Forum  
Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Katharine Dunn
Katharine Dunn
Profile photo of Alejandro Paz
Alejandro Paz

Librarian for Energy and Environment